Section 1. This Organization shall be known as Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group
hereinafter referred to as the HCTMG.
The HCTMG shall function in accordance with the terms
of the By-Laws of the Houston
Chinese Traditional Music Group.
Section 2. The HCTMG shall be incorporated as a non-profit, non-political organization, under the laws of the state of Texas , regulations and
common ethics. Technical discussions, if any, shall not involve any secret or
confidential information pertaining any other organization or individual.
Section 1. The
objective of the HCTMG is to
provide Chinese musical appreciation
opportunity to the communities and public. The HCTMG is to offer the Chinese Music Concert and performance to people who would like to enjoy Chinese music; to offer the Chinese Traditional Music Instruments classes to people who are interested
in the Chinese instruments.
Section 2. The other objective
of the HCTMG is to promote the
multicultural awareness and understand and esteem of the common heritage shared by the members, to
encourage the spirit of unity and cooperation, to enhance individual
professional skills and technical competence of the members.
Section 1. The participation in the Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group is open to the public without
regard to race, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age,
religion, national origin, status as a special disabled or Vietnam era
veteran, or the presence of a disability.
Section 1. Any individual, including professional,
entrepreneur, businessperson, and college student who lives, works or studies
in the greater Houston
area may become a member of the organization after approval by the Executive Council.
Section 1. The expenditure of funds received by
the HCTMG shall be authorized by the Executive Council of the Organization.
Section 2. All contributions to the HCTMG shall
be deposited and maintained by this Organization in an account, or accounts in
a national or state bank designated by the Executive Council.
Section 3. Under no circumstance shall the
Organization make loans or be in debts to support any Organization activities.
Section 4. No individual shall solicit funds
for the Organization from any other individual or organization without prior
approval of the Executive Council.
Section 1. The Organization is owned and
managed by its Board of Directors. The Executive Council shall be the governing
body of the Organization. It shall be subject to the provisions of these bylaws.
Section 2. The Executive Council of the Organization
shall consist of the President, Vice President, The Art Director, Secretary, Treasurer/CFO, and advisors. The Executive Officers of the Organization shall
have responsibilities as described below:
President: The President shall have the responsibility for all community activities
of the Organization: (a) serve as Chairperson of Executive Council, (b) call
all meetings and preside at all meetings of the HCTMG, (c) shall represent the Organization at all community
activities, (d) represent the HCTMG
to other organizations, and (e) perform such other duties as may be directed by
the Executive Council.
President: (a) report to President, (b) perform administrative operations of the HCTMG, (c) provide instruction/consulting to operation manager, (d) perform such other duties as may be
directed by the President or Executive Council.
CFO: (a) report to the President, (b) serve as the Chief
of Financial Officer, making financial (budget) plans and control the expenses,
(c) finalize the annually financial report and statement, (d) present annual
financial statement to Executive Council, (e) prepare for the tax return
(report) to IRS, (f) perform such other duties as may be directed by the
President or Executive Council.
Art Director: (a) report to President, (b) conduct
daily activities of the HCTMG and assign the tasks, (c) plan for the annual concert, programs and any other
performing activities, (d) coordinate
with the Executive Council to develop and execute events and projects that will
provide HCTMG with performing opportunities in community
outreach efforts, and (e) perform
such other duties as may be directed by the President or Executive Council.
Officer: (a) report to President, (b) coordinate with other
committees and execute events and meetings in support of interests of the
membership of the HCTMG, (c)
coordinate with the Executive Board to develop and execute events and projects
that will provide HCTMG members
with volunteer opportunities in community outreach efforts, (d) perform such
other duties as may be directed by the President or Executive Council.
Secretary of HCTMG: (a) report to President, (b) send
e-mail announcement to public for HCTMG events, (c) keep minutes and records of every meeting of the
Executive Council and general meetings, (d) maintain the files and records of
the Organization, including a membership list, and (e) prepare for internal or
external press releases, announcements, and reports related to HCTMG activities and events.
Logistic Officer of HCTMG: (a) report to President, (b)
provide logistic support to CEO, (c) plan and execute the logistic items, such
as the food, drink, table setup, food distribution, clean up, and more, (d) perform
such other duties as may be directed by the President or Executive Council.
Section 3. In the event of an absence of the
President, the Executive Council shall elect the Vice President to assume the
remainder of the term. The Executive Council shall appoint members of the Organization
to fill any other vacancies in the Council.
Section 4. The
members of the Executive Council shall attend official meetings called by the
President. A member shall notify the President or the Secretary for excuse in
case that he or she cannot attend an official meeting of the Executive Council.
The Secretary shall notify the President of any three (3) consecutive,
unexcused absence of a member from the official meetings of the Executive Council.
Upon the notification, the President shall declare the member to be inactive
and excluded from the quorum count of the Executive Council.
Section 1. Meetings of the Executive Council of
the Organization shall be called upon by the President of the Organization no
less than six (6) times per year.
Section 2. A meeting of the Executive Council
shall be called by the President within two weeks upon a written request by a
majority of the Executive Council.
Section 3. There shall be at least two general membership meetings of the Organization in each
calendar year to report the Executive Council work and present the plans for
Section 4. Upon a written request from fifteen
(15%) or more members of the Organization,
the President shall call a special membership meeting within thirty (30) days
to address the issues stated in the request.
Section 1. Any
member, who has joined the Organization for one (1) year or more and is of good
standing, is eligible for election to be Officers and members of the branches
and subcommittee of the Association.
Section 1. The Executive Council shall establish
special committees, including but not limited to, public relation, membership, technical,
social, and services committees, to serve the community and public.
Section 2. The Executive Council shall appoint the
Council members to chair the branches and the special committees.
Section 1. Proposals to amend the bylaws of the
Organization may be made in writing by twenty percent (20%) or more
Organization members to a membership meeting. Proposals to amend the bylaws may
also be made in writing by a majority vote of the Executive Council. Proposals
to amend the bylaws shall be sent to all members in writing by the Organization
at least thirty (30) days prior to the membership voting on the proposals.
Section 2. Bylaws and amendments thereto shall
be subject to the approval of sixty percent (60%) vote of the members attending and proxy votes in a general
or special or membership meeting.
Section 3. The Organization may be dissolved by action
of two-thirds of members of good standing on the membership directory or by
action of eighty (80) percent of the Executive Council.
Section 4. HCTMG is organized exclusively
for charitable, educational purposes, including for such purposes, the making
of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future
federal tax code.
Section 5. No part of the net earnings of
HCTMG shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members,
trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that HCTMG shall be
authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered
and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth
in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of the activities of HCTMG
shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence
legislation, and HCTMG shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the
publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of
any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
document, HCTMG shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be
carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section
501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any
future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are
deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or
corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Section 6. Upon the dissolution of HCTMG,
assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning
of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section
of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal
government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such
assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the
county in which the principal office of HCTMG is then located, exclusively for
such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall
determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.